It’s that time of year again: time to apply for a travel fellowship to attend ALTA (the American Literary Translators Association Conference), to be held this year in beautiful Rochester, NY from November 7 – 10, 2019. Between four and six of these $1000 fellowships are awarded to emerging translators each year, including the Peter K. Jansen Memorial Fellowship, specifically reserved for a translator of color and/or one who is translating from an underrepresented diaspora or stateless language. Attending the ALTA Conference is a fantastic way for an emerging translator to jumpstart their translation career by meeting others in the field, getting acquainted with colleagues’ work, hearing and participating in discussions of craft, and learning what topics are currently most being talked about in the translation world. The fellows also present their work at a special reading each year that is always well-attended. The deadline is April 15. You’ll find guidelines and application instructions on the ALTA website.