Happy new year, everyone! There are various things to be less than thrilled about this month, but fortunately a new year in translation is kicking off, so maybe it’ll take our minds off the rest, at least for a little while. Here’s what’s coming up this January:
Friday, Jan. 13:
Us&Them: The Winter 2016 installment of this reading series featuring writers who are also translators reading both their own and translated work will present Bonnie Chau translating Anni Baobei (China), Elisa Wouk Almino translating Caio Fernando Abreu (Brazil), Jeremy Tiang translating Un Sio San (Macau), and Virginia Konchan translating Samuel Mercier (Quebec). More information here. In a gesture of support for freedom of expression, Molasses has pledged to donate 10% of proceeds from the evening to PEN America. Molasses Books, 770 Hart St. (Dekalb L), Brooklyn, 8:00 p.m.