One of the books longlisted this year
This week the PEN American Center announced the longlists for the PEN Translation Prize (for a book-length translation of prose, judged this year by Urayoán Noel) and the PEN Poetry in Translation Award (judged by Elisabeth Jaquette, Aviya Kushner, Ronald Meyer, Sara Nović, and Jeffrey Zuckerman). The shortlists will be announced on Feb. 2, and the winners on March 1. Meanwhile these might be good books to keep in mind if you’re the sort of person who has holiday gift shopping to do (or if you need a good read to help you forget the holidays are happening):
PEN Award for Poetry in Translation Longlist:
The Country of Planks by Raúl Zurita (Action Books), translated from the Spanish by Daniel Borzutzky
Oxen Rage by Juan Gelman (co-im-press), translated from the Spanish by Lisa Rose Bradford
The School of Solitude: Collected Poems by Luis Hernández (Swan Isle Press), translated from the Spanish by Anthony Geist
The Late Poems of Wang An-shih (New Directions), translated from the Chinese by David Hinton
Twelve Stations by Tomasz Różycki (Zephyr Press), translated from the Polish by Bill Johnston
Rilke Shake by Angélica Freitas (Phoneme Media) translated from the Portuguese by Hilary Kaplan
I Burned at the Feast: Selected Poems of Arseny Tarkovsky (Cleveland State University Poetry Center), translated from the Russian by Philip Metres and Dimitri Psurtsev
The Collected Poems of Chika Sagawa (Canarium Books), translated from the Japanese by Sawako Nakayasu
Silvina Ocampo (New York Review Books Poets), translated from the Spanish by Jason Weiss
Uyghurland, the Furthest Exile by Ahmatjan Osman (Phoneme Media), translated from the Uyghur and Arabic by Jeffrey Yang with the author
PEN Translation Prize Longlist:
The Sound of Our Steps by Ronit Matalon (Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Company), translated from the Hebrew by Dalya Bilu
The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector (New Directions), translated from the Portuguese by Katrina Dodson
The Blizzard by Vladimir Sorokin (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), translated from the Russian by Jamey Gambrell
Nowhere to Be Found by Bae Suah (AmazonCrossing), translated from the Korean by Sora Kim-Russell
The Game for Real by Richard Weiner (Two Lines Press), translated from the Czech by Benjamin Paloff
Sphinx by Anne Garréta (Deep Vellum Publishing), translated from the French by Emma Ramadan
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Penguin Classic), translated from the Russian by Oliver Ready
The Physics of Sorrow by Georgi Gospodinov (Open Letter Books), translated from the Bulgarian by Angela Rodel
Hollow Heart by Viola Di Grado (Europa Editions), translated from the Italian by Antony Shugaar
Paris Nocturne by Patrick Modiano (Yale University Press/Margellos World Republic of Letters),
translated from the French by Phoebe Weston-Evans
Sounds like plenty of fine reading to dive into! The finalists for both these awards will be announced on Feb. 2 and the winners on March 1.