Hooray, the Graduate Student Conference on Translation and Translation Studies is back! This is a conference that has bounced back and forth between the Translation Center at UMass Amherst and Binghamton and the Translation Research and Instruction Program at Binghamton University. This year it’s being held at Binghamton (in Binghamton, NY), and is scheduled for April 21 – 23, 2017, with two keynotes: a lecture (April 22) by Ben Van Wyke on translation pedagogy, and a conversation (April 23) between Portuguese author Rosa Alice Branco and star translator Alexis Levitin (who has translated her work).
This year’s organizing team invites grad students everywhere with an interest in translation and translation studies to propose papers (submit an abstract and a bio note) by Jan. 31, 2017. The talks will then be sorted into panels and the conference program finalized. The organizers also write: “On the evening of Saturday, April 22, we plan to have a casual session of readings by students. Students are invited to bring in their translation works, past or current, and share their works with peers. Readings in other languages are welcome for this session.”
If you have any questions (including about first-come-first-served free local housing), please direct them to the conference organizers. You can also find more information on the conference website and Facebook page. And then get busy on your abstracts. This conference has consistently proven a great way to meet and exchange ideas with others working in your field – an excellent counterbalance to the exams-and-dissertation or thesis isolation chamber. Check it out!