As you no doubt know, Cyprus is a bifurcated island state with two official languages: Turkish and Greek, and their cohabitation has not always been peaceful. Just imagine the issues this bilingualism must raise not only in politics but also in areas like education and literature – and what an interesting context for thinking about issues of translation. If you’ve never given it much thought, never fear: translation studies scholar Sherry Simon (Concordia University) has done this for you. She’ll be speaking tonight at Barnard on “Cyprus, Divided Cities, and Translation Studies.” Simon is the author of Translating Montreal. Episodes in the Life of a Divided City (2006) and Cities in Translation (2012), and is co-editor of: Changing the Terms. Translating in the Postcolonial Era, New Readings of Yiddish Montreal and Failure’s Opposite. Listening to A.M. Klein. I wish I could attend, but I’ll be hosting an event of my own this evening. If you go to hear this lecture, please drop me a note (or use the comments box below) to give us a sense of what she spoke about.
Free and open to the public. Reception to follow.
6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 23.
James Room, 4th Floor, Barnard Hall, Barnard College campus, Broadway & 117th Street