The 2017 Gulf Coast Translation Prize is now open for submissions and will be reading this year in the Prose category (so no poetry until next year). The prize comes with a purse of $1000 and publication in the journal Gulf Coast (from the English Dept. at the University of Houston). The $18 reading fee gets you a year’s subscription to the journal, and this year’s judge will be the amazing John Keene. There will also be two $250 honorable mentions.
The application deadline this year is Sept. 8, 2017. You’ll find more information on the Gulf Coast website. The application instructions are a bit of a mess where permissions are concerned (they clearly didn’t read my translation rights primer and wound up asking for something that doesn’t make sense), but muddle through as best you can, and let them know if you have questions.
I have two manuscripts “translated novels” into English, I’m looking for a publisher, can I contribute to the prize?
thank you
have a good day