Apply Now to Become a 2014 ALTA Fellow

Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 10.43.29 AMThe American Literary Translators Association is undergoing a major transformation this year, with a new institutional home and new leadership. As a member of the new board, I’ve been watching the reshaping of the organization from the inside, and it’s looking good. There’s a new provisional website to handle this year’s conference registration while the permanent website is under development. This year’s conference will be held in Milwaukee, Nov. 12-15, 2014, and if you’re an emerging translator, you can apply for a $1000 fellowship to attend as an ALTA Fellow. ALTA Fellowships have been around for a number of years and provide significant exposure to translators just starting out in the field, so if you qualify, don’t hesitate to apply for one and to do so ASAP, as the July 1 deadline is rapidly approaching. Application instructions here. If you’d like to see the programs of past conferences from 2010 to 2012, you’ll find them on the old ALTA website (which is no longer being updated); and I’ve uploaded the 2013 conference program here. If you’re relatively new to the translation world and don’t know about ALTA yet, please take my word for it that’s it’s well worth your while to try to get to the conference – it’s the best possible opportunity to connect to other translators (including members of the newly established Emerging Literary Translators Network in America) and learn about literary translation as both an art and a profession. Check my blog entries from October 2013 for reports on some of the things that got discussed at the conference last year. I’ll be going again this fall, hope to see you there.

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  1. Matthew Simmons says:

    This is awesome! Sad I missed it, but I am definitely going to apply next year would be a great experience.

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