Translation on Tap in NYC, Aug. 1 – 15, 2015


Translationista hard at work

So apparently it’s summer and all the translators are at the beach. I haven’t heard of a single translation event coming up this fortnight. If I’ve missed something, please advise! Otherwise, as you were.

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  1. Hi. This is Jafar, a PhD student of Translation Studies at SUNY Binghamton. I just came across your beautiful blog when I was searching something about Friedrich Lücke, one of the Schleiermacher’s student that I’m writing an article on his hermeneutical translation treaties. Not sure if you’ve heard of this Symposium but I think it’s gonna be provocative if there could be again the same sort of debates as that of last year on “Translation Research” between Lydia Liu and David Damrosch. Check it out please.


    Call for participants: Translation Studies Research Symposium
    “Untranslatability and Cultural Complexity”
    Friday, September 25, 2015 | 10:00am – 3:00pm
    Woolworth Building, NYU | 15 Barclay Street, New York, NY

    There is still time to register to join us for the 5th annual Translation Studies Research Symposium on Friday, September 25, 2015 at NYU’s Woolworth building. This year’s Research Symposium is sponsored by the Nida Institute, the San Pellegrino University Foundation, and the NYU School of Professional Studies Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting. Our distinguished presenters, listed below, will lead us in exploring the theme of “Untranslatability and Cultural Complexity.”

    Lydia H. Liu (Columbia University)
    Mary Louise Pratt (New York University)
    Michael Wood (Princeton University)
    Philip E. Lewis (emeritus, Cornell University)

    Registration for the Research Symposium is $25 and is due no later than September 11, 2015. You can register for the symposium at For more details about the presenters, please see, which includes a printable 2015 NSTS Research Symposium Flyer. Please feel free to share with any who might be interested.

    For additional information or questions regarding the symposium, please contact Dulce Alvarado at [email protected].

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