Rejoice, translation fans, the equinox is behind us, so it’s high season for translation events. Here’s what’s crossed my desk so far:
Saturday, Oct. 4
Translator Paola García joins with Eduardo Alejandro Chirinos Arrieta to discuss García’s new translations of the poetry of Peruvian poet Juan Gonzalo Rose. More information here. McNally Jackson Books, 52 Prince Street, 7:00 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 6
Acclaimed writer and translator Eliot Weinberger joins poet, translator, Guggenheim Fellowship recipient Coral Bracho and award-winning Mexican poet María Baranda to discuss the work of Octavio Paz, the iconic Mexican poet, essayist, and statesman in celebration of the 100th anniversary of his birth. This event will be held at the Americas Society at 680 Park Avenue, and will have a $10 admission fee for non-members. Advance registration recommended: click here. 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 7
More Paz! Translators Mónica de la Torre, Eliot Weinberger, Nathalie Handal and Idra Novey will be among the readers celebrating Octavio Paz at the big Centennial Celebration at Poet’s House. More information here. 10 River Terrace, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 11
This time Translationista will be on tap in the afternoon, interviewing multilingual Swiss author Arno Camenisch, who writes in German and the least known of Switzerland’s four languages, Romansh, typically using both in his books with an occasional sprinkling of French and Italian. He’ll be presenting his novel The Alp, the first of his “Alpine Trilogy” to appear in English (the other two are forthcoming, all translated by Donal McLaughlin). Swiss Institute, 18 Wooster Street. RSVP recommended, details here. 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 14
Come Share My Meal: Poets from the Arabic Diaspora: Translator-poets Marilyn Hacker and Sinan Antoon join Deema Shehabi, Lawrence Joseph and Marilyn Nelson for an evening of contemporary poetry from the Middle Eastern diaspora. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Saint James Room, RSVP requested. More information here. 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
also Tuesday, Oct. 14
Words without Borders presents an evening of writing from Guatemala, with translator/poet Idra Novey interviewing authors Rodrigo Fuentes and Eduardo Halfon, guest editor of WWoB’s special issue on Guatemalan writing. The Community Bookstore, 143 Seventh Ave., Brooklyn, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct 15
Living to Write about It: Guatemalan author/translator David Unger speaks with author and former Nicaraguan vice president Sergio Ramírez in a conversation about the intersection between politics, history and literature. More information here. Instituto Cervantes, 211-215 East 49th St., 7:00 p.m.