The Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies at Princeton University is offering an all-expenses-paid translation workshop for U.S.- and Canada-based early-career translators from Modern Greek, to be held in Princeton, NJ on Thursday, May 3, 2018. The workshop is part of a three-day series of events in Modern Greek Studies, including the annual International Graduate Student Conference in Modern Greek Studies (Friday, May 4, 2018) and a faculty-led colloquium on (Saturday, May 5, 2018). Translation workshop participants will be invited to attend all these events, as well as cultural activities surrounding them. Travel and lodging provided. The workshop, facilitated by Peter Constantine in collaboration with Karen Emmerich, will examine texts submitted in advance by participants.
To apply, send a brief note explaining your interest in and experience with translation from Greek, a CV, and a sample translation of no more than five (5) pages (include a copy of the Greek text being translated) to Karen Emmerich with a copy to Hellenic Studies at Princeton. For more information, see the Hellenic Studies website. The deadline for the receipt of applications is February 5, 2018.