Reminder: Launch for In Translation Tomorrow

Please come and help Esther Allen and me toast the arrival of our beloved new child: the anthology In Translation: Translators on Their Work and What It Means, containing many of our all-time favorite essays about translation by some of the best translators in the world. It was just published last week by Columbia University Press. We’re excited to be launching it as part of a joint event at the Goethe Institut: We’ll present the anthology and tell you about some of our favorite bits and some of the things we learned about translation while editing it; and then we’ll all clap for the 2013 winner of the Gutekunst Prize for young translators – a prize connected to a contest in which all the competitors translate the very same short prose work, a great way to see what kind of chops everyone has and how many different responses can be found to a particular translation challenge. This year’s talented winner is Alta Price, and we’ll hear Tess Lewis from the Gutekunst Prize jury praising her before we all raise our glasses. There’ll be copies of the anthology offered for sale at a discount, plus excellent views of Lower Manhattan from the windows of the Goethe Institut. Event details here. The Goethe Institut’s at 72 Spring St., 11th Floor, and the event starts at 6:00, so you can come right from work to celebrate with us on your way home.

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  1. mbean says:

    wish I could be there!

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