The American Literary Translators Association has just announced the shortlists for its 2016 National Translation Awards in Poetry and Prose. The winners of both awards will be announced next week at the ALTA conference in Oakland, CA.
2016 NTA Shortlist in Poetry
Minute-Operas by Frédéric Forte (France)
Translated from the French by Daniel Levin Becker, Ian Monk, Michelle Noteboom, Jean-Jacques Poucel
(Burning Deck)
Rilke Shake by Angélica Freitas (Brazil)
Translated from the Portuguese by Hilary Kaplan
(Phoneme Media)
The Black Flower and Other Zapotec Poems by Natalia Toledo (Mexico)
Translated from the Isthmus Zapotec and Spanish by Clare Sullivan
(Phoneme Media)
The Collected Poems of Chika Sagawa by Chika Sagawa (Japan)
Translated from the Japanese by Sawako Nakayasu
(Canarium Books)
White Blight by Athena Farrokhzad (Sweden)
Translated from the Swedish by Jennifer Hayashida
(Argos Books)
2016 NTA Shortlist in Prose
Leg over Leg by Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq (Lebanon)
Translated from the Arabic by Humphrey Davies
(Library of Arabic Literature/NYU Press)
The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector by Clarice Lispector (Brazil)
Translated from the Portuguese by Katrina Dodson
(New Directions)
The Meursault Investigation by Kamel Daoud (Algeria)
Translated from the French by John Cullen
(Other Press)
The Physics of Sorrow by Georgi Gospodinov (Bulgaria)
Translated from the Bulgarian by Angela Rodel
(Open Letter Books)
Tristano Dies: A Life by Antonio Tabucchi (Italy)
Translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris
(Archipelago Books)
More information on each of these titles, the longlists, and the judges are available here. Wishing all this year’s contenders good luck next week!