The Sixth Biennial Graduate Translation Conference will be hosted this year at the University of Texas at Dallas from May 26 through May 28, 2017. This student-organized conference was originally held at UCLA in 2004 and has since been hosted by the University of Iowa, Columbia University, and University of Michigan (the host of last year’s conference). This year, according to the announcement just sent around by the 2017 organizers, the conference “aims to highlight the ways in which translation impacts the humanities and society at large in the 21st century.” There will be two keynote speakers, Esther Allen and Breon Mitchell, both key figures in the U.S. translation scene, and workshops will be offered, along with readings/performances and panels at which participants will be invited to speak about their projects. The
$50 registration fee includes meals and lodging and is being waived thanks to a generous sponsor. I’ve uploaded the call for papers with full application details. The deadline for the receipt of applications is March 1, 2017 March 20, 2017. If you have questions, please email the conference organizers. More information is being posted on the conference’s Facebook page.
And please note that this is one of two graduate student conferences on offer this spring. The other one is the Graduate Student Conference on Translation and Translation Studies being held up north at Binghamton University.