Translation Lab at Ledig House

Back when I was teaching at Bard College, I used to drop by the writers colony at Ledig House from time to time because there were often German writers in residence. I wound up translating poetry by Matthias Göritz after hearing him read his work there. Writers Omi also has a long history of offering residencies to literary translators, and now they are announcing a very special program for Fall 2012 that will allow translators and their authors to spend a week working together in the beautiful Hudson Valley countryside. Translation Lab – as the program is called – will be held between Nov. 9 – 16, 2012. This special residency comes with a full fellowship that includes international airfare and local transport from New York City to the Omi International Arts Center in Ghent, NY.

Here’s the scoop:

Writers Omi will host five English language translators to the Omi International Arts Center for one week. These translators will be invited along with the writers whose work is being translated. This focused residency will provide an integral stage of refinement, allowing translators to dialogue with the writers about text-specific questions. It will also serve as an essential community-builder for English-language translators who are working to increase the amount of international literature available to American readers.

Writers Omi will be accepting proposals for participation until July 1, 2012. Translators, writers, editors, or agents can submit proposals. Each proposal should be no more than three pages in length and provide the following information:

➢ Brief biographical sketches for the translator and writer associated with each project
➢ Publishing status for proposed projects (projects that do not yet have a publisher are still eligible)
➢ A description of the proposed project
➢ Contact information (physical address, email, and phone)

Proposals should be submitted only once availability for residency participation of the translator and writer has been confirmed. All proposals and inquiries should be sent directly to DW Gibson, director of Writers Omi at Ledig House.

Keep an eye on the Omi International Arts Center website for further details.

Photo: Robert Melee on the grounds of Ledig House with his sculpture It Up (Bronze, 2008)

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